A bit more on pacing: more in this game than the others, I felt the need to give it a break for a few days because it was a little too much.The fights are good, at least, especially that last BIG one after the "hope" dialogue with Pandora. And unlike Pandora's Temple in GOW1, this isn't a masterwork of level design it's just different cubes with pretty easy puzzles in them and then a few fights. However, at a certain point you go deep in the caverns and you're contained to the Labyrinth. It's not as bad as I remember, but the game does a good job up until probably Cronos with giving you some puzzles, regular fights, then punctuated by a boss fight. It's a very good game, but there are several things that hold it back from being an overall better package than 2 and 1, even if it does some things better: And bosses such as Hades, Zeus, Hercules, and even Super Cerberus are quite thrilling to fight. Gameplay-wise, it feels very good and probably has the best assortment of weapons in the original linear games. Remastered, it still pops and looks great (though some character models are significantly better than others). GOW3 is available through the streaming service, but I also downloaded it years ago when it was available, so I downloaded it and started again. I already played GOW1 and 2 through PS Plus. I'm playing GOW 1 - 3 and GOW 2018 in anticipation for Ragnarok this year. Dunno why Poseidon was shittalking like that since Kratos killed Ares as a mortal, but I'll give him slack since this time, the Gods weren't helping Kratos.